Bennington, VT to Moose Brook State Park, NH

Starting Location: Bennington, VT
Ending Location: Moose Brook State Park, NH
Daily Miles Ridden: 247
Cumulative Miles Ridden: 1648

This Day's Route: Hwy 9 east to Hwy 100, Hwy 100 north to Stockbridge VT [4], Hwy 107 east to Royalton, I-89 north to Montpelier, Hwy 2 east to Moose Brook State Park NH [6].

A major thunderstorm passed through Bennington in the morning so I delayed my departure for a couple of hours. I don't mind riding in the rain (in fact I rather enjoy it) but I won't ride when lightning is striking all around. The electrical activity ceased around 10 AM and I ventured out shortly thereafter. It rained hard for a couple of hours afterwards and then sporadically for the rest of the day. Photos of the more scenic areas are rather sparse due to the rain.

This is highway 100 in Vermont.

Here are a couple of photos of the Vermont and New Hampshire countryside.

This is the swimming lake and bath house at the Moose Brook State Park where I camped for the night.

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