Moose Brook State Park, NH to Houlton, ME

Starting Location: Moose Brook State Park, NH
Ending Location: Houlton, ME
Daily Miles Ridden: 316
Cumulative Miles Ridden: 1964

This Day's Route: HWY 2 east to Skowhegan ME [2], HWY 11 north to Millinocket ME [5], I-95 north to Houlton ME.

The weather was absolutely perfect this day. I had a very enjoyable and scenic ride across Maine.

I stopped for lunch here in Guilford, ME. The daily special was a delicious and tender pork roast.

Can you imagine what this northern Maine road would be like in the dead of winter? Dan Fulkerson's song Tombstone Every Mile performed by Dick Curless (preview or download here) popped into my head and kept playing for days afterwards.

This is the final segment of I-95 before it terminates in Houlton, ME. The road quality is absolutely superb here - a sharp contrast to its more southern stretches.

I stopped for the evening at this privately owned campground just north of Houlton. It was very well run and maintained.

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