Acadia National Park, ME to Wells, ME

Starting Location: Acadia National Park, ME
Ending Location: Wells, ME
Daily Miles Ridden: 265
Cumulative Miles Ridden: 3718

This Day's Route: Hwy 3 north to Ellsworth ME, Hwy 1 south to Portland ME, I-295 through Portland ME, Hwy 1 south to Wells ME [9].

After breaking camp I decided to tour the park. The remaining photos for this day were all taken at the park.


Seawall, facing other direction.

I ate a late breakfast in Ellsworth and continued south on highway 1. For lunch I stopped at an oceanside seafood restaurant in Rockport and had a crab roll.

It started raining hard in the early afternoon and did not let up until late evening. When I stopped to get a room in Wells the manager mentioned that he also rode a motorcycle and then proceeded to give me one of his best rooms at no additional charge. This evening's meal was a Maine lobster at a seafood restaurant next door.

After dinner I checked out the weather forecast and saw that it called for heavy rains every day for the next couple of weeks throughout the Northeast. So I decided to begin the trek southward towards home instead of hanging around New England and upstate New York for a few more days.

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