Starting Location: Newburgh, NY
Ending Location: Front Royal, VA
Daily Miles Ridden: 374
Cumulative Miles Ridden: 4444
This Day's Route: I-84 west to Hwy 507 [2], Hwys 507/191 to I-380,
I-380 south to I-80, I-80 west to I-81, I-81 south to I-66, I-66 east to Hwy
340, Hwy 340 south to Front Royal VA.
Much of today's ride was spent racking up miles on Interstate highways with
no real sightseeing activity.
I skirted past Harrisburg, PA around noon with no delays at all. This was a pleasant surprise after the mess encountered while passing through before.
Several rainshowers were encountered today but they were not nearly as severe as the previous days' rain.
I stopped for the evening at Front Royal, VA and did laundry before having dinner.